by Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Solita Alexander Riley, Aaron Scott, Rev. Jessica C. Williams, Rev. Erica N. Williams, Willie Baptist, Rev. Dan Chadwick, Rev. Emily McNeill, and Colleen Wessel-McCoy
This new collection of sermons features religious and community leaders committed to the unity and organization of the poor for a powerful social movement to end poverty. As today’s exploitative and oppressive economy is producing an expanding and deepening poverty, we need a revolution of values, particularly a revolution of religious values that champions the building of a broad transformative social movement to abolish the immorality of poverty in the midst of plenty and abandonment in the midst of unprecedented abundance.
Using the Reading the Bible with the Poor methodology, as developed by Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis in her book Always With Us? What Jesus Really Said About the Poor, these sermons draw biblical texts into conversation with the organized poor today.